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Why is Selling so hard?

Why is Selling so hard?

Why do I find selling so hard?

What is the hardest part of your job as a personal trainer?  Ask around and you quickly realise that it is the ‘give me more money’ part that continually comes up as something that feels the most difficult part of the PT/Customer relationship.

Mind the Gap

Here at RISE fitness franchise, and for many personal trainers, you are not selling a solid thing like a Mercedes or even access to a building with things in it like a leisure centre, you are selling your expertise in applying a specific process. In this case it is your expertise and the RISE process.

The gap you need to guide prospects across is the one between their needs/goals and your expertise/process that will help them fulfil their needs. The first hurdle you face is creating the time with a prospect to get behind the ‘why they are here’, why they have expressed interest in joining your RISE franchise.

A great understanding of what you are selling

Most important is YOU. As an expert PT you must have an inner confidence that you have the ability to move people towards their goals. As a RISE franchisee you will have been through a selection process that will give you the confidence that you are the right calibre of professional. That’s a tick.

You must also have an in-depth understanding of the product. RISE has been created by experts based on real experience with real customers, we know exactly how our product and processes are set up to create success. As a franchisee you will get a comprehensive training plan on every aspect of the product – another tick.

This is the understanding you take into your interaction with your prospects.

A quality session with the prospect

Your key objective is to spend time with quality prospective customers, not just any old enquiry. Why? Well, if you pre-qualify your prospects, then at the end of the initial ‘matching product to goals’ discussion with a prospect, they will be ready to buy and you will be ready to guide them towards their goals.

Because your time is precious and the pricing is set to attract a certain person, this means you need to filter out the tyre kickers and the free trial grifters that circulate around fitness offerings, we cover this in our sales training piece.

Discuss objections and fears

People are talking to you because they want to change. Often they will start with generic answers to questions, but using the initial part of our system as above you will reach the ‘Do you think I can help you? If so lets get you signed up’ bit. If they falter at this point you need to talk through about real reason they are hesitating – why have they failed before. Finding this out is crucial because the RISE product will have elements in it you can draw on to counter their fears.

The RISE product is a mid to high end product so your full-service membership number is necessarily limited to allow implementation of the full process.  If this is done then members get results and thy will stick with your franchise for the long term.

After all that it is the straightforward – does that sound like my support and expertise help you reach your goal? Sign on here I have limited spots

Matching up the prospective client needs to what you offer within your process and demonstrate that your expertise will get them through all their doubts and fears and finally reach their goal

The first interaction is key to getting the client goals, their real goals, out on the table.  If replying generically this is where you must spend time teasing out the what they really want, what their ideal vision is of themselves  They are there because other ways of hitting their goals have either failed to get them there or they hit the goal temporarily and then fell back to old ways.

The person your selling to is looking to change their life. 

They are looking for results. 

You are going to show them that you are the only fitness service in the area who can do that.

And it’s going to be worth every pound they hand over to you –  down to the last penny

Talk to Us

We are keen to talk to hard working PT’s who want to take their business to the next level.  The RISE business systems contains all the sales training, the marketing assets, fitech and online presence you need to launch into the next phase of your career.

#risefitness #fitnessfranchise #businessopportunity

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