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What Does It Mean to be RISE Fit?

What Does It Mean to be RISE Fit?

For us here at RISE it means achieving the right balance of Fitness, Energy and Confidence in your body and so your life.

Where it Started

The RISE concept emerged in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic when activity was suddenly just a bit of outdoors and whatever online had going.  There were physical and mental health effects and trials happening to people all through the period and it’s not over yet.

Building Confidence

The emerging importance of mental health is one reason why the Confidence part of RISE is core to the concept.  Being confident about your body and health will positively affect almost every aspect of your life.  Our initial look at your motivations, struggles and confidence levels allows the RISE coach to really understand what it will take to motivate you on your journey with us.

It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures

Oprah Winfrey

What Happens Outside of the Session is Important Too

Our careful blend of activity intensity both in the session and, crucially, when you are not at a session is aimed at raising fitness levels in a structured way that feels natural and easy to fit into your current lifestyle. At the session the heart rate monitor helps the coach motivate you to the right intensity for your fitness, out side the session the monitor helps the coach set realistic activity challenges that you can fit into your everyday routine.

The RISE coach will be helping you track progress and help ensure energy levels are rising (see what we did there 😉) steadily through the 8-week cycle.  This could be by getting an eating plan for you that helps achieve your goal or adding a digital stretch workout to your schedule to boost flexibility and enhance relaxation.

At the end of your first 8 week cycle we can guarantee that you will understand more about your fitness, energy and confidence and because of that knowledge you will have made a real start to achieving your goals.

Please register your interest using the form on our web site and we will be able to let you know when a RISE Fitness franchise opens near you.

#outdoorbootcamp #risefitness #fitness #energy #confidence


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