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Strenuous Exercise Helps Reduce Anxiety

Strenuous Exercise Helps Reduce Anxiety

It might feel like a ‘yeh the science of common sense’ moment to those of us that exercise a lot, but for some people who don’t, the report of a recent study that has shown that exercise helps reduce anxiety symptoms could be incredibly helpful.

What was in the Study?

A Swedish research group published a paper in the Journal of Affective Disorders on groups of people they put through either a gentle exercise programme, a more strenuous one and a control group, i.e. they did nothing. The exercise was an hour long and for gentle group the cardio/endurance intensity was set at 60% of max heart rate, for the more strenuous group this was set at 70% of max heart rate. 

You can calculate your max heart rate with this simple equation:

211 – 0.64 * Your Age

If you are 50 years old then your max heart rate is:

211- 0.64*50 = 179 beats per minute

You can read about this on our web page about the RISE program.

After 12 weeks of exercising symptoms of anxiety had reduced in both exercise groups but not the control group (those guys did not get an exercise programme).  The group in the more strenuous programme had the most success in reducing symptoms.

Why Does this Happen

The answer is…they are not sure!  There is some speculation that exercising in a group helps as it feels social, and this social contact may help. Another working theory is that the release of a hormone called Insulin Like growth factor 1 which promotes neuroplasticity and has been shown to reduce anxiety (albeit in mice) might be a factor.

RISE is a Great Fit

Here at RISE we are careful to make sure everyone exercises at the right intensity and for that we use Myzone heart rate monitors.  Not only are you getting group exercise so the social contact is there, but you also know for a fact that your heart rate is in exactly the right zone for you.

We think that more doctors should prescribe exercise for anxiety as a first route.  So do the study’s authors:

“The model involving 12 weeks of physical training, regardless of intensity, represents an effective treatment that should be made available in primary health care more often for people with anxiety issues.”

said study author Maria Åberg.

It is very often the first step that is the hardest but there is always a free try out and there you can check how the heart rate monitors work and how they add to the experience. At RISE there is the added bonus in that it is outside and fresh air also has a beneficial effect on mental health.

What are you waiting for? Click Here to register for a no obligation try out.

#outdoorfitness #helpwithanxiety

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