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Recurring Revenue – Make the Switch

Recurring Revenue – Make the Switch

Hey PT’s –  How to Make the Move to Recurring Revenue

When you did your personal training course it was the dream, vocational job, right?  Helping people get fit and getting them a body shape they have always wanted, with you as the expert coach.  The commercial reality is a bit different…

One to One Personal Training

This is a great service to offer people and we all know it really works.  The appointment-based sessions so you must turn up; a personalised programme so it is really targeted at goals; the build up of trust and commitment.  People get fit with a PT.

There is a flaw from the PT’s point of view and that is:

How many hours a week can you work without burning out? 

The exercise patterning is still focused on early morning and after work and that leaves a lot of dead time in-between. 

The reality is there is a hard cap on your earnings as a PT due to the reasons above.

How Can You Improve Your Earnings?

Another key commercial aspect of the PT’s life is getting customers to buy another course after the customer has used up the sessions they purchased.  A usual pattern is trial pack of 3 then move to a 10 or 15 pack.  An endless renewal and selling cycle which never ends and sucks up a lot of time.

These are a few of the reasons the average PT new to the job has an average 6 month go at it before dropping out.

The RISE Model

RISE Franchise

Here at RISE fitness franchise, we want to move your expertise into Group Personal Training and with a wraparound product that helps with member engagement and motivation turn them into monthly payers.

Using our unique product programming we have positioned RISE as moving the boutique gym experience out of the four walls and into a outdoor fitness membership that can attract the mid upper fitness consumer.  Read here for more on the product created by RISE expert Product Lead Carl Smith.

In this way you create a community that is willing to stick with you through seasonal troughs and with the online delivery element you can also deliver when the weather doesn’t!

Talk to Us

We are keen to talk to hard working PT’s who want to take their business to the next level.  The RISE business systems contains all the sales training, the marketing assets, fitech and online presence you need to launch into the next phase of your career.

#fitnessfranchise #risefitness #businessopportunity

Also featured by our friends at Franchise Local, click here to read.

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