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How do you choose which software to work with?

How do you choose which software to work with?

Finding the right software is like finding a needle in a pile of needles, right?  The last 10 years has seen an explosion of providers in the fitness sector with some clever start-ups outsmarting some of the matching legacy systems with respect to online/digital.

Where to Start?

Here at RISE the choice of which system was of prime importance.  We wanted to shake up the outdoor franchise fitness marketplace, so we needed a software to help us do just that.

First, we considered the big picture, what exactly did we want to achieve? What was our key focus?

It was clear to us at RISE that the hybrid model combining face to face and digital provision was here to stay.  The effects of the pandemic would be long lasting and has created some permanent behavioural changes.  Not only had the awareness of the importance of being active grown, but people also needed some help with what and how much they were eating.  A home office is never far from the home fridge!

A seamless join of on/offline within the product was important to the commercial success of the franchise so any supplier had to show us how this worked in their product.  In relation to really helping people with their eating, we wanted something that had an integrated nutrition planning tool.

With both of those on our wish list plus the normal benchmarks of editable & bookable session timetables and secure and cost effective online joining we set about creating a software vendor short list.

What was our choice?

We were looking for a system that at a good price, that had attentive support, good licensing options, gold standard security, and the system is easy to use, flexible and packed with tons of functions and features.

From our short list, we chose Virtuagym.  This is a system that satisfied our key objectives and most importantly was flexible with respect to licences and start up timetable.  The digital fitness features were excellent and allowed RISE as a product to cover off the issue of ‘rainy day’ call offs; something that needs catered for.  The nutrition element was good and along with the digital fitness also allowed us to look at different pricing packages including digital only.

Talk to Us

We are keen to talk to hard working PT’s who want to take their business to the next level.  The RISE business systems contains all the sales training, the marketing assets, fitech and online presence you need to launch into the next phase of your career.

#franchisefitness #businessopportunity #outdoorfitness

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash



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