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Get Fabulous in your Fifties

Get Fabulous in your Fifties

We are learning all the time why people should get more active and especially those getting over a certain age, aherm…looking at you now!

It is never too late to start improving your health and we are all living longer so you want those extra years to be about quality as well as quantity.

The Reasons to Do it

We could start with just feeling better in yourself.  Its kind of a weird saying but everyone knows what it means, right?  You deserve to feel good about yourself, so let’s start with that.

Basic Strength

Everybody and we mean EVERYBODY starts to lose muscle tone as they get older.  Unless you actively use your muscles and challenge them every day you will start to experience some atrophy, that is shrinkage, of the muscles.  The great thing is that muscles are so responsive!  They love a bit of exercise and feeling stronger in your everyday activities a one of those things that you really notice once you start exercising.

Bone Health

All older people will improve their bone health by doing body weight exercise regularly. When working against your own body weight you are in effect ‘waking your bones up’ to the fact they better remain sturdy.  Osteo-porosis is a terrible condition that affects many older people, and it can be helped by exercising using body weight and lifting weights. 


Well, women of a certain age know what we are talking about…some symptoms are not controllable in any way but being active and getting fit, releasing those endorphins, does boost your mood and this is very important. By exercising you can help with a weight gain that sometimes comes with menopause plus reduce the risk of brittle bones that we mention above.

Disease Risk Reduction

Time and again more active adults are shown to be at less risk from a variety of diseases compared to inactive adults. Not just about heart disease, it is very helpful in preventing diabetes (even helping people recover from type 2), and for some cancers.

It just makes sense.

How to Do It

Getting some idea of where you are starting from and some baseline numbers on that helps tremendously with motivation.  At RISE we have heart rate tech to see what fitness level you are starting with and a weekly tracking system to help you understand your progress. All this is dellivered via the RISE app and your RISE coach sees you twice a week at the bootcamp and from there, the coach delivers digital support the rest of the week.

Fitness Gains

Our twice weekly outdoor bootcamp is carefully designed using functional movements and equipment to develop your all-round fitness and strength slowly and steadily.  You will build confidence through the 8-week program and using your Myzone belt work at exactly the right intensity for you. Our functional exercises are designed to increase body strength in balanced way, this keeps you safe from injury and helps build lean muscle.

Moving More

A great benefit of the Myzone heart rate system is that is help you move more by awarding Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) when you do almost any activity from walking to cycling to housework.  This is amazingly motivational, and your RISE coach will set out some very do-able challenges to help you boost your weekly activity.

Bit of Nutrition?

Another feature of the RISE app is the nutrition side that allows the RISE coach to source the right plan for you.  You can agree together on the goal and use one of these eating plans to help you move the needle a bit in terms of the way you apporach food.  We don’t like unsustainable diets at RISE and treating yourself is fine, but edging in a few veggies and edging out some sugar and processed foods is amazingly good for your overall health and wellbeing.

Joining RISE

RISE provides for all the above plus the indefinable aspect of social fitness.  It is more fun and motivational to work out with other people.  And the Myzone monitor creates an even playing field because being in the Yellow zone is being in the Yellow zone, it doesn’t matter if you are 55 and the person next to you is 21!

Please give us a try and look for a RISE near you.

#fitnessforolderpeople #outdoorbootcamps

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