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3 Great Tips on how to Switch up Your Lifestyle

3 Great Tips on how to Switch up Your Lifestyle


By lifestyle, we mean your health lifestyling of course!  For other parts of your life, you need to look elsewhere because what we are interested at RISE Fitness is helping people to make forever healthy changes.  Ones that are so good you never want to go back.




Why Is It So Hard to Change?

Changing means to have to resist well established patterns in your life, and that can be daunting.  Although they are established patterns and sometimes very seductive (thinking about eating here) it does not mean they have to be the forever status quo.  The body loves status quo, any physics law will tell you that (we think!), but you can challenge it to change.

The way to do that is not to change too many things at once, that is such a common pattern, and you will more often than not give up as it overwhelms you.

1. Are you Happy with Your ‘Quo’

This is a great start point and please, really think about it.  If you examine your happiness and satisfaction feelings carefully and conclude that you don’t want it to be this way forever, motivation will start to build.  This is a great start point because the most important tool in achieving change is not a step counter or a diet plan but the one between your ears!  You really must want to change, allow yourself to feel that it is OK to try and fail then try again.  That is fine, you will get there.  The kickstarter form we use here at RISE Fitness points directly at this by asking about your feelings on what your goals are (not just the goals…we are different) and then what has hampered you from reaching them in the past.  Identifying these hurdles are important in breaking old patterns and establishing new ones.

2. Enjoyable Change

Now you have decided to change, the next thing is to decide is what is the most enjoyable thing you can change to make your lifestyle a bit healthier. Everyone points the finger at giving up treats and booze straight off, now you don’t actually have to do that.  What you do need to do is make one change and establish a new pattern, then you can deal with other stuff once you have achieved a change.  We believe that getting a bit more active is a great change to go for as it can be gradual and be done in lots of ways.  Sure, we do exercise sessions and recommend doing a couple a week, but because we use an effort tracker we can help with getting you active the rest of the time.  Believe it or not the body starts to like being more active and new patterns establish.  You start to miss that daily walk you started to do just so you could join in a challenge to get 700 MEPs (read about MEPs here).

3. Build on Success

Managing to make one change gives you confidence and more motivation that you can make others.  The importance of confidence cannot be overestimated in the pathway to changing your old unhealthy way of life for a newer and healthier one. Your support network will look at you with different eyes once you have made a sustainable change in your life.  You will think about yourself “Wow I cannot believe I was so inactive before and now I feel like I could walk the earth!”.

At RISE Fitness our key words are Fitness, Energy and Confidence and it really is confidence that helps you make things happen.  And you have to do it for you, going back to point 1 above, it shouldn’t be for anyone else, just you and your happiness.

We want to create forever change in people and that means a whole lot of effort, education and sometimes tears from everyone.  But even if you learn just one thing, like how activity works, then we have made one positive change with you!  We look forward to seeing you at one of our sessions soon, click here for locations.

Our App is available here iOs and Android

#healthychange #motivation

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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